Timing is Everything?


As we head towards the launch of Opo Coffee, the other team members and I have been contemplating the timing of when we kick everything off. Our roastery location is still TBD, with a hopeful grand opening before the end of the year, but at any point we can start putting the Opo brand out there and even start roasting in smaller batches and have some limited product offerings.

But is it the wisest move to get things going without yet being at 100%? Will we run the risk of teasing it out too early and losing momentum by the time we have an operational, completed roastery?

I get giddy with excitement thinking about the potential of all the things we’ve got in the works. Part of me wants to blast out all the plans and details to everyone, just to gauge the response out there, but I know we have to be patient and do things with the right timing.

One of the crazy things I found out is that there’s a likely 6-month lead time on our production roaster! So even without knowing exactly where we’re gonna put everything, we’re already making final decisions on all the roaster’s bells and whistles, and we’ll put down a deposit soon on the machine that will be the workhorse of our business.


Location, location, location?


Oversight, not an oversight