Full Steam Ahead

Our design and construction team meets weekly to touch base on progress and talk through any issues.

I feel like the train has left the station, it’s picked up speed, and we’re flying down the tracks now! Construction is steadily progressing, and we now have a hopeful completion date in mid-November. Of course, all our renovations are taking longer than I’d like, but the truth is that this has been a relatively easy experience overall compared to construction projects I’ve been a part of in the past. We made the right call in bringing on great designers, architects, and a contractor who work amazingly well together and move forward with proactive communication and a united vision of what the place will look like.

So far, we’ve completed plumbing and electrical rough-ins and we’ve framed in the espresso bar, roastery room, and training room. Within the next few weeks we’ll put up drywall, do some tiling, and “dry-in” our training room.

Chris can’t hold in his excitement about our roastery walls getting framed in.

With construction on track to wrap up in November, we’re currently advertising our first open position for a Cafe Manager, and then we’ll soon open up applications for our first crew of baristas! Jenny, Chris, and I are working hard every day on all of our company setup. In addition to overseeing construction, we’re operating our Friday morning pop-up cart, wholesaling to Taproom Coffee, building out all of our processes and systems, ordering equipment, designing a food program, getting our professional coffee certifications through the SCA, planning a Kickstarter campaign, and trying to keep it all balanced healthily with family and rest.

Bottom line though… I’m having so much fun with this!

It doesn’t look like much at this stage, but this would be your view standing in line and looking at the espresso station.


Ransom’s Ridiculous Robots


Construction underway!